Recognized as one of the leading Teacher & Practitioner of Ayurveda, Panchkarma, Vedic Astrology & Yoga in India and abroad.
Globally increasing awareness about treatment without chemicals and interest for organic diet are two basic reasons for popularization of Ayurveda. It is important to make it clear that vision of looking on ayurveda as a system of treatment or a pathy is very poor and insufficient, more appropriately it is a complete philosophy or way of living for complete lifestyle management. Basic materials of ayurveda like salt, sweet, wheat, rice, turmeric, ginger, peeper, coriander are integral part of our life from birth to death but not the chemicals in the tablets or capsules.
Ancient seers of ayurveda had described the Panchkarma as the important most part of Ayurvedic medicine, Vedic astrology and Yoga are the sister branches of Ayurveda and it is difficult to impart a complete cure at the level of somatic and physical level without complementing the ayurveda with Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) & Yoga.
Dr. Sanjeev Sood had done his post graduation in Ayurvedic Medicine (Kaya Chikitsa) with special reference to Panchkarma & after the same teaching and practicing Ayurvedic Medicine since 15 years at India’s oldest Ayurvedic Institute Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Jalandhar. He is visiting faculty of Ayurveda to EISRA- Holland, ICAU – Belgium, Medicarom – Romania and other institutes of Ayurveda in many countries.
Ayurveda & Panchkarma
He is working as Professor & Head of the Panchkarma Department also since ten years. He taught Ayurvedic Medicine & Panchkarma to 15 batches of 500 students in India, six batches in Holland, three batches in Belgium and three batches of Doctors in Romania. Organized 13 courses of Panchkarma for Doctors and six special courses for foreign Students in his Department of Panchkarma.
Ayurvedic Magazine
Professor Sanjeev Sood is working as Editor of prestigious Ayurvedic Magazine in English “DAV’s Ayurveda for Holistic Health” also. This is a bimonthly Ayurvedic Magazine having international circulation of more than 15000 copies. You can have free access to online version of this magazine also.
Vedic Astrology
Dr. Sood is working as President of Amateurs Jyotish Association since 1985. He trained two batches with Vedic Astrology in Holland and one batch of professional Astrologers in Romania.
Dr. Sanjeev Sood got the opportunity to learn yoga one to one from the best Yoga Master of India Shri Sudarshan Biala author of “Yoga for Better Living and Self Realization” and now co-authoring the forthcoming eBook on Yoga with his Master.
Recognized as one of the leading Teacher & Practitioner of Ayurveda, Panchkarma, Vedic Astrology & Yoga in India and abroad.